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In the Second Canto of Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Srila Sanatana Gosvami examines all the manifestations and incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, culminating in Sri Nandanandana, the beloved son of Sri Nanda Maharaja. He does so by narrating the story of Gopa-kumara and his fascinating journey throughout the material and spiritual universes as he searches for the Lord of his heart. “Sri Brhad-bhagavatamrta alone is the main foundation of all the scriptures written by Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami and so on. All the other books of our Gosvamis manifested from this one book alone.” [Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja]
File name Brihad-bhagavatamrta_2nd_canto_1st_part_1st_ed.pdf File Size 4.21 Megabytes File Type pdf (application/pdf)
Websites on Buddhism
http://www.accesstoinsight.org/index.html - Readingsin Theravada Buddhism
http://www.dzogchen.org/ - This is the link to the website of the Dzogchen Foundation.
http://www.bpf.org/default.aspx - This is the link to the website of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
http://www.diamondway.org/ - Website of the DiamondWayKarmaKagyuBuddhistCyberCenter.
http://www.quietmountain.org/ - Website of QuietMountain-- a Dharma Website.
http://web.mit.edu/stclair/www/amida.html - This is the link to the Pure Land Shin Buddhism website.
http://www.buddhismtoday.com/ - This is the link to the website Buddhism Today.
http://www.diamondway-buddhism.org/ - Karma Kagyu tradition ( supporting Karmapa Thaye Dorje)
http://www.dharmanet.org/ - Extensive site for information about Buddhism
http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/China/spiritualchina.html#Chinese% - Information about Buddhism
http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/buddhaintro.html - Explores the history of Buddhism
http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-Buddhism.html - Buddhist archive on the internet
http://www.fundamentalbuddhism.com/ - Buddhism based on Pali Canon, the oldest written record
http://www.buddhistethics.net/ - Articles from the Journal of Buddhist Ethics
http://www.buddhasvillage.com/ - Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism (inc. teachings and pictures)
http://www.pitaka.ch/vlpl.htm - The internet guide to Pure Land
http://www.buddhanet.net/ - Buddhistic e books, Meditation, multimedia.
http://www.accesstoinsight.org/ - Readings in Theravada Buddhism: This is a fairly large web
http://www.samatha.org/ - The Samatha Trust - traditional form of Buddhist meditation
http://www.buddhanet.net/budsas/ebud/ebidx.htm - A Buddhist page by Binh Anson. 400 articles
http://www.bhavanasociety.org/ - The Bhavana Society Web - Theravada Perspective.
http://www.bodhinyanarama.net.nz/ - Bodhinyanarama is a monastic residence of the Theravada
http://www.abhayagiri.org/ - A Buddhist community in the tradition of Ajahn
http://www.amaravati.org/ - Amaravati is a monastery in the Theravada tradition of
http://www.aukana.org.uk/ - Located in Wiltshire, UK, the Aukana Trust runs a meditation centre
http://www.bps.lk/ - The Buddhist Publication Society
http://www.dharma.org/index.html - The Insight Meditation Society
http://www.dhamma.org/ - Courses in Vipassana Meditation in the tradition of Sayagyi
http://www.beyondthenet.net/beyond_the_net.htm - Presentation of Theravada Buddhism.
http://www.edepot.com/buddha.html - The Buddhism Depot website contains a Discussion Forum
http://www.vridhamma.org/Home.aspx - A Resource Center for students of Vipassana Meditation.
http://www.fundamental-buddhism.com/ - Fundamental Buddhism Explained.
http://www.justbegood.net/ - This website seeks to introduce
http://www.fundamentalbuddhism.com/ - Explicit explanation of Buddhism
Buddhist Books, Tapes, Art, Supplies
http://www.palitext.com/ - Website for obtaining copies of the Pali Canon
http://www.pariyatti.org/ - This is the link to Pariyatti Book Service
http://www.shambhala.com/ - This is the link to the website of Shambhala Publications
http://www.tricycle.com/ - Website of The Tricycle Hub and Tricycle Magazine.
http://www.kalavinka.org/ - Buddhistic books
Buddhist Resources
http://arumugam.tripod.com/buddhiststudies?876314809 - Guide to Buddhist Studies on the Net.
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ab006/web_buddhism.html - Websites on Buddhism.
http://www.dharmanet.org/ - DharmaNet International website.
http://www.buddhanet.net/sitemap.htm - Buddhist Information Network
http://www.buddhism.org/ - This is a link to the Digital International Buddhism
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