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vrijdag 17 april 2015
Op verzoek even het panir curry recept
donderdag 5 maart 2015
ISKCON Timeline
ISKCON Timeline
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1965 - Srila Prabhupada sails to America to establish ISKCON, Aug. 27 to October 1.
1966 - ISKCON corporation founded Aug. 5. First centers open in New York and Height Ashbury.
1967 - Mantra-rock dance and first U.S. Ratha-yatra festival held in San Francisco, July 26.
1968 - Disciples establish ISKCON in England with the help of the Beatles.
1969 - Disciples open dozens of new temples, including New Vrindaban, Toronto, and Los Angeles.
1970 - Srila Prabhupada establishes the GBC, Governing Body Commission, with the Direction of Management, July 28. | Evidence that child abuse taking place in ISKCON, see document | Bhavananda (later one of the eleven gurus) begins abusing ISKCON devotees' children in New York.
1971 - First gurukula established in Dallas.
1972 - According to Prabhupada's letters, by this time he was aware of temple presidents beating their wives and child abuse in gurukula (Rochford, 1998, p. 49 ).
1973 - ISKCON increasingly depends on panhandling to raise money. | After only a few years, ISKCON-arranged marriages are ending in divorce (Rochford, 1998, p. 49). | Motorcycle gang attacks New Vrindaban, June 5.
1974 - By this time, the gurukula basically functions as childcare so mothers can go on sankirtan (Rochford, 1998, pp. 51-53, 61). | Prabhupada refuses to sanction any further marriages (Rochford, 1998, p. 49). | Hamsadutta convicted of weapons possession charges in Germany (three years later he will become one of the eleven gurus). | ISKCON-wide standards set for gurukula behavior modification program. (Proposed List of Standards for, public relations files, circa 1974)
dinsdag 3 maart 2015
Meditation makes you more creative
Meditation makes you more creative
Certain meditation techniques can promote creative thinking. This is the outcome of a study by cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato and her fellow researchers at Leiden University, published 19 April in the open access journalist 'Frontiers in Cognition'.This study is a clear indication that the advantages of particular types of meditation extend much further than simply relaxation. The findings support the belief that meditation can have a long-lasting influence on human cognition, including how we think and how we experience events.
woensdag 18 februari 2015
Prabhupada: "No, no, even giving them away
Prabhupada: "No, no, even giving them away, what is the wrong?"
Madhudvisa: "Well, You said we should not give the books away. You said we should sell these books."
Prabhupada: (chuckles) "No, no, he has purchased. He has purchased. Then if You purchase from me and if you give free to others, so what is my loss?"
Madhudvisa: "No, there is no loss."
Siddha-svarupa: "I'm not giving away his books."
Prabhupada: "No, no, even if he gives away, this is not a fault, You see? Suppose there are... in South Africa many Indians are purchasing our books and giving to the library. So somebody will read it. So that is not a fault. If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing."
(Morning walk, Mayapur, 08. 03.1976.)