vrijdag 17 april 2015

Op verzoek even het panir curry recept

Op verzoek even het panir curry recept, opnieuw in het licht. Ik kreeg verzoeken om de link naar dit voortreffelijke basis recept voor de verse kaas panir genaamd met curry even door te geven (het is een van de eerste recepten op deze blog 1004 berichten terug. En dat doe ik even op deze manier. En echt de doppertjes in de frisse kerrie (currysauce) is geweldig met dat tikje zoet door de kokos. De panir is het eenvoudigst te maken met yoghurt dan heeft die altijd die romige smaak en wordt niet droog of zurig wat met citroenzuur wel kan gebeuren. En citroenzuur gebruiken heeft als nadeel dat jij de wei niet kan gebruiken. Voor soep en frisdrank te maken, want als je er teveel van neemt krijg je maagpijn, neem hiervan acte!

donderdag 5 maart 2015

ISKCON Timeline

bron http://surrealist.org/gurukula/timeline/index.html

ISKCON Timeline
Click here to read in Spanish

1965 - Srila Prabhupada sails to America to establish ISKCON, Aug. 27 to October 1.

1966 - ISKCON corporation founded Aug. 5. First centers open in New York and Height Ashbury.

1967 - Mantra-rock dance and first U.S. Ratha-yatra festival held in San Francisco, July 26.

1968 - Disciples establish ISKCON in England with the help of the Beatles.

1969 - Disciples open dozens of new temples, including New Vrindaban, Toronto, and Los Angeles.

1970 - Srila Prabhupada establishes the GBC, Governing Body Commission, with the Direction of Management, July 28. | Evidence that child abuse taking place in ISKCON, see VNN.org document | Bhavananda (later one of the eleven gurus) begins abusing ISKCON devotees' children in New York.

1971 - First gurukula established in Dallas.

1972 - According to Prabhupada's letters, by this time he was aware of temple presidents beating their wives and child abuse in gurukula (Rochford, 1998, p. 49 ).

1973 - ISKCON increasingly depends on panhandling to raise money. | After only a few years, ISKCON-arranged marriages are ending in divorce (Rochford, 1998, p. 49). | Motorcycle gang attacks New Vrindaban, June 5.

1974 - By this time, the gurukula basically functions as childcare so mothers can go on sankirtan (Rochford, 1998, pp. 51-53, 61). | Prabhupada refuses to sanction any further marriages (Rochford, 1998, p. 49). | Hamsadutta convicted of weapons possession charges in Germany (three years later he will become one of the eleven gurus). | ISKCON-wide standards set for gurukula behavior modification program. (Proposed List of Standards for http://surrealist.org/gurukula/timeline/index.htmlBoys, public relations files, circa 1974)

more on ISKCON Timeline

dinsdag 3 maart 2015

Meditation makes you more creative


Meditation makes you more creative

Certain meditation techniques can promote creative thinking. This is the outcome of a study by cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato and her fellow researchers at Leiden University, published 19 April in the open access journalist  'Frontiers in Cognition'.

This study is a clear indication that the advantages of particular types of meditation extend much further than simply relaxation. The findings support the belief that meditation can have a long-lasting influence on human cognition, including how we think and how we experience events.

woensdag 18 februari 2015

Prabhupada: "No, no, even giving them away

Prabhupada: "No, no, even giving them away, what is the wrong?"
Madhudvisa: "Well, You said we should not give the books away. You said we should sell these books."
Prabhupada: (chuckles) "No, no, he has purchased. He has purchased. Then if You purchase from me and if you give free to others, so what is my loss?"
Madhudvisa: "No, there is no loss."
Siddha-svarupa: "I'm not giving away his books."
Prabhupada: "No, no, even if he gives away, this is not a fault, You see? Suppose there are... in South Africa many Indians are purchasing our books and giving to the library. So somebody will read it. So that is not a fault. If I purchase from you and give it, distribute it free to somebody else, that is not wrong thing."

(Morning walk, Mayapur, 08. 03.1976.)