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Posts tonen met het label pdf. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label pdf. Alle posts tonen
vrijdag 24 oktober 2014
dinsdag 7 oktober 2014
Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu-bindu (a drop from the nectarean ocean of devotion),pdf
File name Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu-bindu_2nd_ed.pdf File Size 1.17 Megabytes File Type pdf (application/pdf)
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Sri Bhajana rahasya by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura pdf
Sri Bhajana-rahasya is compiled by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Mahasaya. He has collected into the form of a book several confidential hints from his own method of bhajana to guide sincere sadhakas who are performing bhajana under his direction. Some years ago, this destitute person (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) observed him performing bhajana. He was constantly reciting and relishing verses such as the ones in this book, thus becoming overwhelmed with bhagavat-prema. For sadhakas whose faith is on the neophyte platform, the system of arcana is provided.
Sri Bhajana-rahasya by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura pdf not working try this one
the lamp that illuminates arcana pdf
Arcana-dipika means “the lamp that illuminates arcana”. The term arcana signifies honour, or worship. As one of the nine processes of devotional service it refers to worshipping the deity form of the Lord. Arcana-dipika teaches us how to perform this service and thus please the Lord through this process of worship. It contains the exact details of worship, waking, bathing and feeding the Lord, and putting Him to rest at night. It also includes exact details of the rules and regulations for brahminical cleanliness – all to help us develop pure bhakti.
Arcana-dipika means “the lamp that illuminates arcana”. pdf
download link File name Arcana_Dipika_2ed_2009.pdf File Size 1.07 Megabytes File Type pdf (application/pdf)
Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami His Life and Teachings
Every page of this biography, written by one pure Vaisnava about another, offers enthralling information about the lion-like acarya, Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. It not only describes his glorious life, spotless character and courageous preaching but it also details his lucid and penetrating delivery of Gaudiya philosophy. It depicts the qualities of a true acarya, who with his every breath demonstrates the pinnacle of loyalty to guru and who resolutely protects the tenets of his disciplic lineage for the benefit of the souls of this world.
Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami His Life and Teachings This biography is complete in every way and leaves the reader honoured to have come into contact with such a pure and dignified Vaisnava.
for download File name Acarya_Kesari_2nd ed_2013.pdf File Size 13.51 Megabytes File Type pdf (application/pdf)
wanneer de link niet werkt gebruikt u deze dan, when the link not work use this one please
dinsdag 27 november 2012
download link naar Mahabharatha
Veel studie materiaal, complete boeken in het Engels en duits, op deze site kan u echt veel origineel werk vinden van voor 1900.Hier de link.
Voor degene die meteen complete hoofdstukken, boeken willen lezen op holy books de link staat hieronder vind u 12 files ter download. ps Ik heb deze zelf niet gelezen van holybook wel een gedeelte van de pdf file van het Ramayana ook op deze blog en dit is een hele oude vertaling uit 1892 naar het Engels
Deze link leidt naar holybooks een site met veel matariaal
maandag 5 maart 2012
Ramayana pdf gratis English and one in Dutch (Nederlandstalige Ramayana)
Gratis Ramayana, ik vond deze Nederlandse vertaling die gratis te downloaden is voor studie doeleinde of om gewoon te lezen. Deze uitgave is een Valmiki, dat betekend dat het op hem gebaseerd is. Valmiki is de heilige die met Rama de reis heeft gemaakt, en van hem zijn de verhalen die beschreven worden in het Ramayana. Hij vertelde onderweg geschiedenissen over tirtha's en heilige plaatsen aan sri Raam en Laksman. Hieronder de link.
Ramayana1.pdf Nederlands
Ps Ik heb ook een uitgave van 1874 erbij gezet in het Engels .
Benares: E. J. Lazarus and co 1870-1874
Ramayana pdf Engels
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